Sarah Grace McCandless

Teller of Stories. Yours. Mine. Ours.

Author. Producer. Script writer.
Creator of Hopeless Semantic.

Dog mom to Gilda Radner.

Your new best friend.

All Contents © 2024 Grace Pointe Productions LLC

Filtering by Tag: Rock Tumbling

The Original Tumbler

When a three and a half hour drive, north and alone, turns into five, it's the perfect time to examine all the heavy rocks in your head - the anxious ones, the insulted ones, the angry ones, the fearful ones. Tumble them back and forth. Back and forth. A few more times. And once again. And by the time you hit the ferry to Whidbey Island, your car will be first in line to enter. Your view will be this. And in just 12 minutes or so, you will have reached the other side of the water, and you will realize that your rocks have indeed transformed, and turned into #Project15 gems.
